The Open Secret of the Upanishads

Cover of Living Beyond Fear

  ‘I am lighting a lamp to dispel the dark illusion that covers the heart of humanity.’ These words, attributed to the ancient seer, Vyasa, apply equally well to the purpose and work of Shri Shankara. The main point of Shankara’s teaching on Self-knowledge is to awaken us to the realization that our innermost self…

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The Identity of Self and the Supreme

Cover of Living Beyond Fear

Let us consider the question: ‘What am I?’ In the collection of Shankara’s writings called The Thousand Teachings, we find the answer to this question presented in direct and uncompromising terms. For example: I am the Lord, ever one and the same in all beings, beyond the destructible and indestructible principles, hence the supreme Spirit.…

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Right Discrimination on the Path of Light

Cover of Living Beyond Fear

At a basic level, discrimination means that we have accepted the goal of liberation as our own, and that we are prepared to evaluate experiences according to the criterion: ‘Is it helpful to my path towards my goal? Will it take me a step forward, or throw me back?’ Once we get a feeling for…

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Self-Examination on the Path of Light

Cover of Living Beyond Fear

One step towards this higher self-awareness is the practice of self-examination. Setting aside a few minutes for self-examination, we place our mind before us, so to say, and take a detached look at its condition. We remember our highest purpose: progress towards enlightenment. We then review the day’s actions, reactions and thoughts, in the light…

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On Dharma

Cover of Living Beyond Fear

HOW DO WE awaken to inner joy and peace, and a sense of the underlying unity of all? We do so by following the way of Dharma. Dharma is dynamic spiritual living— to live in such a way that meets and fulfils our present stage of development, and helps us on to the next stage.…

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