Our Spiritual Awakening

O my mind, wake up, wake up! For a long while you have not seen perfect happiness. Experience now this highest state of beatitude in front of you.

Adhyatma Yoga focuses on the original Yoga teachings, which are spiritual in their methods and purpose. The aim is to awaken our highest potentiality and find fulfilment through self-knowledge. Let us try to understand this process of awakening in its first stages, and what steps we might take in order to further the process.

The image of an awakening is used in the spiritual classics in different ways. Sometimes it reaches us like a trumpet blast to rouse us from our present world view—a world view which may have become a limited one, especially as regards our own possibilities and potentialities in life. With their trumpet call, ‘Awake’, the sages are reminding us that there is a realm of inner freedom that we are missing out on—something vital and fulfilling that we can learn to realize.

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This article is from the Winter 2016 issue of Self-Knowledge Journal.