Meditation and Shraddha

A recent online presentation by the Warden of Shanti Sadan

In meditation we give our full attention to what is most real and precious in ourselves and in all. As we will discover, what is real and precious in us—in fact what we really are—is infinitely greater than what we ordinarily feel ourselves to be. True Self-knowledge brings lasting fulfilment and frees us from all fear, even fear concerning the approaching end of our life.

It is sometimes said that the non-dual teachings present a kind of theory, and that our meditations and other practices are like the experiments through which we may confirm for ourselves the truth of the great hypothesis.

There is some validity in this view. It rightly recognizes that on this path, each of us makes our own investigations and our own discoveries, and rigid ideas about ultimate reality are an obstacle, not a solution.

Yet the parallels with physical theories and research are not complete. There are important differences. What are they?

In empirical research, both the theories and the evidence are distinct from the investigator, and the more the theories and the findings can be separated from the investigator’s point of view, the better. In contrast, non-duality in theory and practice is concerned with our ultimate Self, with what is not separate from us, the enquirer, in any way. All separation is what we are seeking to overcome.

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This article is from the Summer 2021 issue of Self-Knowledge Journal.