The Non-Dual View of Devotion

Bhakti, the practice of devotion, is at the core of the inner path that leads from the limitations of individuality to the realisation of the freedom and universality of our true Self. It is a theme that is covered in depth in the Bhagavad Gita and also in the Narada Bhakti Sutras, a short text in the terse ‘sutra’ style, which has been translated with a commentary by Hari Prasad Shastri, and published as The Philosophy of Love.

In order to appreciate the role of bhakti, first we will consider the non-dual attitude to philosophy and the relation of devotion to that philosophy. Then we will clarify what devotion means in the context of yoga practice. We will look at two forms of that practice, and what is sometimes called ‘grace’. Lastly, we will specify how our practice is integrated with our daily life.

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This article is from the Winter 2021 issue of Self-Knowledge Journal.